Saturday, August 13, 2005

Laloo Again - Indian Railways makes another announcement

Only for unreserved tickets

The first time our minister tells that he has reduced the amount by Re. 1. That made headlines in India.

Today we had the taillines - what else do you call a small note that appears in the paper?

This informs us that Re. 1 discount is for unreserved tickets.....

But the news is out that Laloo is for poor people !!!!

BTW, is it only poor people who travel 2nd class unreserved?

Friday, August 12, 2005

My Dream Book: Object Orientation and Advaita

My Dream Book which I am planning to write one day...

is Object Orientation and Advaita.

Most of the time people write a book, because they do not understand the concept well....
and want to get reviews from those who have understood it well.. if not, why should they
ask others to review?

But I want to write a book after I understand the that there can be no reviewers...

Atleast something is missing right now....Don't know which ones...

Object Orientation or Advaita or both or reviewers !!!!

If you want to be a co-author in this endeavour please write to me...

Indian Railways or How Laloo was able to reduce the cost by Re 1?

Indian Railways have reduced the 2nd Class Fares by 1 Rupee (1 USD approx is 43 Rupees):-

Actually most of the Southern railway employees are involved in Multi Level Marketing - that's what I was able to see after attending a MLM campaign last sunday where there were many of them were platinum / bronze and diamond sellers...

Not sure whether these guys work in office or sell powder, toothpaste and brushes...

Days are not far off when you are asked to buy a tooth brush if you want to book your ticket...

God Save My Mother Land...and travellers in Southern Railway...

And may be that's the reason Lallu was able to reduce the price by Re. 1 for the second class and attract lots of travellers, since these MLM guys were not generating enough revenue for Railways?